Perspective... which side are you from?
Many of us like to draw a clear line between right and wrong, but often there is no such clear boundary and its all a matter of perspective. The statement, the early bird gets the juicy worm first. True enough this statement is right. However, it assumes that we are all the birds... but is that necessary? What happens if we are the worm? Then we wouldn't go early to get eaten by the bird, knowing that the bird would go there early, right? wrong?
Yes, its all a matter of perspective which many of us fail to consider...
Tots... about our education system
Every little kid in our country is being placed into a pair of shoes commerically designed by a shoemaker, when they were as young as 3 or 4 yrs of age...and then, they were forced to run a marathon in that pair of shoes. The shoes' cutting fitted a group of them and they excelled... running really fast ahead. For the majority, they each spent a different number of years trying to make their feet grow to fit into the shoes, and when they succeed, they being to run faster to catch up with their fast counterparts...And yes, there are some minority who just cannot fit their feet into the shoes nicely... the cutting is simply not suitable for them.. but they still tried hard... and in the mist, they are sometimes laughed at by the society which deem that they are lousy... cuz at the end of the day, people are just concerned with the fact that they are the ones who couldnt make it.. no one cares about the ill-fitting shoes...
Tots... about Life
Life is a cycle of ups and downs, we all began at the same point- a crying baby in our mother's arms. Everyone has his turn to experience ups and downs, and at least one major down in his whole life. Some people experience their share of down when they were in the earlier part of their life, others till very much later... A fraction had life with one or two major setbacks, while some have little minor ones distributed throughout their life.. those who had major setbacks would often envy the latter, not knowing that the downs portion in their life is equal, with the difference lying in their distribution. So in that sense.. I try to think that Life is fair.. If you do not think so, then maybe Life has given you something more in areas which you have failed to notice...
An analogy being when you are sick and feeling life is unfair to you, maybe it has given you something that you failed to notice... like being showered with care and concern, building relationships with closed ones, even your doctor..