Sunday, June 10, 2007

Caring for a close one requires certain tactics... if care, is expressed in a way thats not comprehensive to one, the effect can be disastrous though the intention is good..

It is through a process of interactions and maybe unhappy events that people come to terms or learn to come to terms with the other party's way of expression... arguments that comes along brings greater interaction and learning about one another.

This process of learning and understanding may take forever... cuz we are always learning new things about our close one... no wonder there is a saying that goes, it takes a min to fall in love.... and a lifetime to get along.. how true...


Learning is all about progress that one takes to accomplish something. One talk about steep learning curve or linear and so on... the kind of learning curve brings about a whole lot of difference in experience. Steep is good, cuz its fast and linear is not bad either as there is constant progression.

Imagine a flight of stairs... a steep curve would be one with uneven but high steps that could take someone to his destination faster. But in doing so, one might have to brave the possibility of injury and being hurt in the process. If one manage to find a solution to counter the huge and uneven steps.. he would then master and take control of the process and reach his goal faster, otherwise, he would have to brave whatever that comes his way.

Linear progression is a much smoother though monotone process cuz its constant and the speed is fixed. however, it lacks the kind of excitement that comes with a steep learning curve....

choose what you wan, but bear with the journey, and try to enjoy the journey...